Course Catalog:  Management/Soft Skills Training - Certified Power Supervisor (CPSv)  
Course Title Description Enroll
Bridging the Generation Gap PricingWith multiple generations of employees come multiple sets of attitudes and expectations. Bridging the Generation Gap will explore:Values and characteristics of Traditionals, Baby Boomers, Generation X and Millennials (plus a preview of Generation Z), How to meet employee expectations – in recruiting and retention, How to manage the generations effectively, Tips for fostering a workplace culture where all generations can contribute to their full potential by building on shared values and capitalizing on generational strengths    
Buddy-To-Boss PricingEmphasizes the skills needed for the supervisor when taking over a established team or department. Included in the one day program is information on the following: Increase credibility as leaders, create an environment where people/ideas thrive, motivate employees, create a powerful environment of trust, enforce rules fairly for everyone, leading by example, master the challenges placed by the employees/friends you lead.    
Communicating Effectively with Utility Customers PricingThis course uses group activities to help you learn and grow as a communicator in various situations. The emphasis is placed on creating and recognizing the time to create a memorable experience for the customers. This course is designed to be available for all levels of utility employees. This is a NASBA approved class. The instructional delivery method is “group-live.” You will receive 14 CPE credits in the Communications field of study. In accordance with the standards of the National Registry of CPE Sponsors, CPE Credits have been granted based on a 50- minute hour. The program level is Intermediate. There are not any prerequisites for this course.    
Fundamental Supervisory Skills PricingThis course is the first of five core curriculum classes needed in order to receive a CPSv certification. This 2 day workshop consists of two modules. Managing People stresses and the importance of individual self-esteem in the workplace and shows how to give clear instructions, achieve consensus, and encourage others to commit to common goals. Communicating with People demonstrates active listening techniques, effective communication, and ways to recognize another person`s understanding of the issues. Instructional methods include presentation, videos, group discussion, and skill building exercises. Student are required to complete a DISC profile before class.    
Goal Setting & Planning PricingWhy set goals? We all know what we want and need to get done, right? To answer these questions, we must answer another: Are we in our respective roles to maintain or to continuously improve, grow and meet the challenges ahead? If we aren’t here to improve, grow and meet the oncoming challenges, even maintaining will eventually fail. Eighty-eight percent of people who set goals never reach them or abandon them altogether. Goals must lead to plans that drive execution.    
Interpersonal Supervisory Skills I PricingThis course is the third of five core curriculum classes needed in order to receive a CPSv certification. This 2 day course includes three modules: Getting Employee Commitment provides training on how to establish specific and measurable objectives which will gain employee acceptance; Giving Orders & Instructions shows trainees, step-by-step, how to issue orders and instructions effectively; and Delegating Effectively explores the when, whom and what of delegating and how to use delegation as a motivational tool. Students are required to have completed Communicating Effectively with Utility Customers and Fundamental Supervisory Skills to enroll.    
Interpersonal Supervisory Skills II Pricing This 2 day course includes three modules: Positive Reinforcement for Improved Performance illustrates how to make employees more productive through positive supervision; Assessing Employee Performance demonstrates the most effective techniques for measuring results against actual performance; and Using Positive Discipline gives specific guidelines and standards for changing unacceptable behavior without adverse consequences.    
Interpersonal Supervisory Skills III PricingThis course is the last of five core curriculum classes needed in order to receive a CPSv certification. During this 2 day class you will build on the principles and techniques learned in Interpersonal Supervisory Skills I and II. The course consists of three modules. Improving Employee Work Habits covers difficult employee situations, and offers techniques for enforcing company policies and regulations in a non-threatening or confrontational way. Dealing with Employee Conflicts shows how to identify employee conflicts and teaches methods of conflict resolution, resolving misunderstandings, and avoiding negative interactions. Communicating with Your Boss teaches specific techniques for framing communications with superiors. Student must have completed Communicating Effectively with Utility Customers, Interpersonal Supervisory Skills I, and Interpersonal Supervisory Skills II to enroll.    
Making Performance Appraisals Matter PricingMany managers find performance appraisals to be one of the most dreaded responsibilities of their position. They find that reviews are done more out of routine than for growth and improvement. If not done correctly, they can certainly do more harm than good. This session will provide guidance for preparing, scheduling and conducting reviews to make the process simpler but far more powerful, useful and enjoyable for the manager and the employee.