Course Catalog:  Management/Soft Skills Training - Advanced Certified Power Executive (AdvCPE)  
Course Title Description Enroll
Business Statistics and Analysis PricingUtility Business Statistics/Analysis examines the statistics of a utility to define the dynamics of each business model. The course seeks to help define the individual utility by analyzing available statistical information. It then translates those statistics into an analytical analysis designed to provide financial predictors of system performance. Class exercises cover cost of ownership, rate components, revenue requirements, cost assignment and goals of rate design. A final exercise allows class participants to utilize a sample utility financial model to evaluate several major expenditures and determine rate impacts. While the course will utilize several technical area of expertise to achieve the final analysis the material allows a participant with any level of experience or expertise to understand and benefit from the class exercises. Three industry professionals will lead this course.    
Business Strategy PricingUtility Business Strategy is two days of instruction and discussion about business models. It will help participants develop a philosophy of management for either a cooperative or municipal business model. Two instructors will provide insight into the strategic planning process, interaction with business partners, wholesale providers and preparation of budgets. Key business indicators will be discussed and compared to gauge efficiency of the participant`s utility system. Developing industry trends lead to organizational change. Managing that change both among employees and member/consumers will be discussed. The course examines what causes anxiety for utility management and explores way to manage those business dynamics. This is done primarily by the instructors sharing situational examples and class exercises. This course complements another AdvCPE required course entitled ``Business Statistics and Analysis``.    
Case Studies in Leadership PricingThis 2 day course offers a unique approach to improving leadership skills through the analysis and debate of real-life case studies from the utility industry. You will have the opportunity to review proven leadership principles and apply these to the cases introduced in class as well as their own experiences. Topics include communications, dealing with unproductive attitudes or behavior, training and development, and motivation.    
Designing & Implementing Organizational Change PricingChange is unavoidable. During this 2 day class you can plan it and facilitate it, or potentially become the victim of those that do. One of the key roles of executives is to plan organizational change; one of the key challenges of management is to design and implement those changes in a way to achieve the desired outcomes. The most common barrier that must be overcome is the emotional reactions to those affected by change. Participants will identify a real, pending organizational change, define their role(s), identify specific activities and design a comprehensive implementation plan.    
Executive Leadership PricingThe course will be based off of the principles as put forward in the books by John Maxwell (The Five Levels of Leadership) and Patrick Lencioni (The Five Dysfunctions of a Team and The Four Obsessions of an Extraordinary Executive). This class will also delve into the DISC profiles of leaders, Effective Communication and Leading Change.    
Long-Range Strategic Planning PricingIn order to effectively position ourselves, our employees, and our organization for the future, a formal long-range strategic plan is a must for every organization. This 1 day workshop highlights and discusses the primary areas to be included in a long-range plan: mission statement, goals, objectives, and action plans. You will gain an understanding of the process and climate needed to effectively develop an organizational long-range strategic plan, how to set the organization on the planning course, and how to develop a mission statement, goals, objectives, and action plans.